
Eliminating confusion



Let your mobile lead the way

Lately I've been looking for nice software for my SonyEricsson K700i. It's not a high-end phone, but it runs Java apps and it has a nice color screen. So I figured there must be cool stuff out there. And there is! A good site to start is GetJar. I found Wayfinder Earth there, downloaded it and sent it to the phone via Bluetooth. Unfortunately it didn't work -- the application would start, but end up in an endless "Loading..." screen. Then I found out it wasn't supposed to work on the K700i. Bummer.

So you can imagine how happy I was to find out that Google Maps has a mobile version, which does work on the K700i. And very well so. I will never be lost again, given GPRS reach is near :). Typing the address of the place you're in and waiting maybe 30 seconds for the map to load entirely is enough to let your phone lead the way. Browsing the map is fast enough with GPRS (faster than you can walk, and probably faster than driving a car). It has an easy and simple function to get directions from A to B. So my advice is this: get a nice data bundle with your mobile subscription, browse to with your phone and download it.

The only thing that worries me is that not only does Google know every keyword I search for, every site I visit and the passwords I use on them, it now knows all places I visit as well. Maybe I should install a camera in my home and broadcast it 24/7 on Google Video, to take away all doubt that there is anything left Google doesn't know about me.